Friday, 11 June 2010

Happy Birthday to you on the Buses in Peru!

Thanks for all the Birthday Wishes!
Thursday started at 6am! No lie-in for the Birthday girl!
Taxi to bus station and then 3 hr bus up north to Chiclayo. Private tour then for 4 hours to include amazing museum of Lord Sipan's tombs discovered in 1987 (never heard about it before - never been very good at history) even Ian kept up with all the details, Couldn't believe we were looking at bones and jewellery etc from 300 AD! Certainly learnt a lot about Peru -it's not all about the Inca's! Had a good lunch with our guide, Julio who was only 23 yrs old but his English amazing, wants to be an archeologist eventually.

Then off again on another bus for 3 hrs, quick walk through the town of Piura, with our backpacks! Amongst the locals trying to sell us everything! Made it with 1 minute to spare - hopped on the last bus of the day that would take 2 1/2 hrs (ummm) took 4 hrs! Local bus - we were the only tourists for certain. Met an 18 yr old girl who was studying English, French and Italian, she sat with us for a while to practice her English and we are Spanish (she was better than us). Arrived at our beachside hotel pretty exhausted and not really feeling as though we had celebrated Tina's birthday - and not even a photo to mark the occasion although Alex did buy Tina her one and only present - a cake!
Friday dawned in the land of all year sunshine with a thick covering of cloud - Ian not happy! Thankfully the cloud lifted pretty quickly and we had a lovely day - doing nothing for a change, great weather, sunbathing and reading, people watching - best thing to watch was a dog surfing! Will get a picture if he is out and about today
Pitcures below of Ian riding the surf (in his dreams!) and of our hotel.

Looks like paradise but ....... always something! Power went off in the whole town quickly followed by the water. Thankfully the hotel generator kicked in - but not for long. Meant that our laundry wasn't dry - luckily not leaving town until lunchtime today. Well - this is an adventure tour of course - candles delivered to our room, at least it isn't cold! Went out to a restaurant with Alex - the three of us at a candle lit table - very romantic. Hotel owner a football fan so generator on for the Argentina match but unfortunately we will be on a bus for the England game - maybe a good thing though
Mancora is a nice place - sure to be developed further but for the moment, relatively unspoilt and a good place to 'hang-out' as we travellers say.
Tina's day was made yesterday when a lorry driver sounded his horn and waved at her - she of course waved back - Ian of course tried to explain that she was 49 years old but it was too late - he was gone..
In other news, one of the places we will be staying at in Ecuador is in the shadow of an erupting volcano - the town has been evacuated twice in the last 15 years but so far, all is OK but we are keeping a watch on the news.
If you remember Tina's flight to see the Nazca Lines, well this wek, despite the high security, 6 men boarded a pleasure flight and hijacked it! Last known heading for Brazil - thankfully no tourists on board.
Off now for the bus to Ecuador - a long trip but apparently good scenery so hopefully a few more photographs next time.

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